Episode 11: Talking to your Kids about Coronavirus
This episode was created for you by the Anna Freud Centre
Dr Emma Morris works closely with our charity partner the Anna Freud Centre, where she works as Consultant Clinical Psychologist and is Lead Practitioner for Contact and Residence work.
Explaining what’s happening at the moment to children we live with or work with can be really difficult – and talking them through their worries and concerns is as important as ever, so in today’s episode, Dr Emma shares her tips for how we might approach these conversations. You can listen below:
About The Anna Freud Centre
The Anna Freud Centre has been developing and delivering pioneering mental health care for over 60 years. They are leading the way by campaigning for and creating mental health services built around the needs and experiences of children, young people and their families, and not around the institutions who deliver them.
Find out more about the Anna Freud Centre
Transcript for Episode 11
VO: 60 Second Support
Professor Green: I’m Professor Green, bringing you help and advice from some amazing people during the coronavirus pandemic.
And it can be a really confusing time for children.So here’s Dr Emma Morris who’s a Clinical Psychologist working with The Anna Freud Centre, sharing some advice on how to talk about coronavirus with your kids.
Dr Emma Morris: If children can understand what’s happening right now in a way that isn’t overwhelming, it will help them to feel both reassured and protected.
Start by acknowledging that it is OK to be concerned. Remain calm when you talk to them and make time to answer any questions they may have. And make sure you’re giving information that is truthful but also age-appropriate.
This also goes for the news. If they’re sitting on the sofa when you’re listening to something serious, ask yourself if it’s right for them to hear the same as you are.
Also, avoid language that might blame others, as anyone can get sick. And of course, teach them how to protect themselves and others by social distancing, catching coughs and sneezes with tissues, not touching their faces and washing their hands.
VO: 60 Second Support with Heads Together… supported by the Audio Content Fund.
Professor Green: For more help and advice visit headstogether.org.uk