Episode 9: Understanding your Feelings in Situations you can’t control

Episode 9: Understanding your feelings in situations you can’t control

This episode was created for you by the Anna Freud Centre

Dr Rina Bajaj is a Counselling Psychologist who has been working within the field of mental health since 2004 – working closely with our charity partner the Anna Freud Centre where she has been instrumental in developing and delivering schools-based interventions through their Schools in Mind network.

In today’s episode, Rina shares some advice to help us understand our feelings in situations where we feel we aren’t in control.

About The Anna Freud Centre

The Anna Freud Centre has been developing and delivering pioneering mental health care for over 60 years. They are leading the way by campaigning for and creating mental health services built around the needs and experiences of children, young people and their families, and not around the institutions who deliver them.

Find out more about the Anna Freud Centre

Transcript for Episode 9

VO: 60 Second Support

Professor Green: I’m Professor Green, bringing you help and advice from some amazing people during the coronavirus pandemic.

Today we’re chatting with Dr Rina Bajaj who works with The Anna Freud Centre, about how to understand your feelings in situations you can’t control.

Dr Rina Bajaj: Feelings of not being in control can have an impact on our mental health, stress levels, thoughts, moods or behaviors.

So, take a moment to feel whatever you’re feeling. Maybe make a list of the things that are worrying you? Work through the things you can control – and cross off the things you can’t.

This can help you to take a step back from your emotions and put things into perspective, as well as think about what support you might need.

Don’t put too much pressure on yourself and take time out if you need it. Write down an action plan with some simple steps about how you can make positive changes to help yourself feel better about the things you’re in control of.

VO: 60 Second Support with Heads Together… supported by the Audio Content Fund.

Professor Green: For more help and advice visit headstogether.org.uk

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