It’s Time To Talk!

Time To Talk Day is a global day of conversation. As part of the Heads Together campaign, Prince Harry is visited London Ambulance Service to help kick off this year’s annual awareness day run by Time to Change aimed at getting the nation talking about mental health.


The theme of this year’s Time to Talk Day is ‘conversations change lives’. The London Ambulance Service is one of many workplaces around the UK committed to promoting mental wellbeing of the workforce.


During his visit Prince Harry spoke to members of staff about the importance of being able to talk to colleagues about how they’re feeling, challenges they may be coping with and ask for support in overcoming difficult times in their lives.

Prince Harry joined staff in the service’s own Time to Talk Day event and learnt about London Ambulance Service’s LINC network. LINC, which stands for ‘Listening, Informal, Non-judgemental, Confidential’, is a voluntary network of staff who can listen and support their peers.



Prince Harry & ambulance staff demonstrate the power of conversation in our video of the day:

Conversation Films

Our Conversations Films show that two heads are better than one. Dan was diagnosed with PTSD about a year ago and he opened up to Rich for support during this time. Dan & Rich’s story is one that demonstrates the power of conversation and the importance of talking about mental health. On Time To Talk Day, we hope this video will celebrate the support that people give and show that ‘conversations saves lives’.

How do I get involved?

1. Have a conversation about mental health – On Feb 2nd take time to have a conversation about mental health.

2. Log your conversation – Whether it’s a text, phone call, letter or chat in person – log your conversation here.

3. Share the Heads Together Film – Please watch & share our new film to give more people the confidence to have these conversations for the first time.


Time to Change is a growing movement of people changing how we all think and act about mental health problems. The campaign is run by charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness and is funded by the Department of Health, Comic Relief and the Big Lottery Fund. Time to Change organises Time to Talk Day, now in its fourth year, to encourage people to be more open about mental health and ready to listen. On Time to Talk Day people are being encouraged to have conversations. Organisations, including schools, universities, workplaces and sports clubs, are being encouraged to hold events where everyone can take time out and talk about mental health. Everyone is being asked to then log their conversations on the Time to Change website. For more information please go to