Episode 5: Understanding Grief and Feelings of Loss
This episode was created for you by Place2be
Grieving for someone or something you’ve lost can be incredibly painful, and with the coronavirus pandemic so drastically changing many of our lives in different ways, the grieving process for some can be more complicated than ever to navigate.
We’re very grateful to Paula Nagel, an educational psychologist at our charity partner, Place2Be for her expert tips and guidance on understanding grief and navigating these feelings of loss.
You can listen now below.
About Place2Be
Place2Be provides in-school support to improve the emotional wellbeing of pupils, families and school staff, and expert training for professionals working with children. The charity helps children cope with emotional challenges so they can have brighter futures.
Transcript for Episode 5
VO: 60 Second Support
Professor Green: I’m Professor Green, bringing you help and advice from some amazing people during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s important we talk about our mental health right now, and today we hear from Place2Be Educational Psychologist Paula Nagel on dealing with grief and feelings of loss.
Paula Nagel: Coping with the loss of someone or something you love can feel overwhelming. And although there’s no right or wrong way to grieve, knowing that you’re not alone is really important.
So try to stay connected with others, acknowledge your loss and share how you‘re feeling. Keeping to a routine can also help. It’s really important to be kind to yourself and listen to your body. And don’t be afraid to ask for support.
Whether that’s reminding people to keep in touch or needing assistance with practical things – remember to say how you’re feeling and to reach out for help
VO: 60 Second Support with Heads Together… sup ported by the Audio Content Fund. 00:05
Professor Green: For more help and advice visit headstogether.org.uk